Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our bundle of joys

Dear little pea,

How are you? Little Kai has been growing well. And I think thanks to your blessing, he will have his little sibling too. Thank you for becoming our little guardian angel. You are always there when we needed you. 

Daddy and mummy.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Going 9 months~

As per the title mentioned, Kai is going to be 9 months old~! So exciting! He can crawl, babbles and now pull himself up and stands for a long time! I'm so proud of him. He's such a cutie pie! I just love this picture of him playing saliva and making that pouting lips. haha

Thursday, September 26, 2013

6 months old

6 months already! I felt I aged 10 years due to the lack of sleep. Being parents have a lot to sacrifice. Gone are the days when we can have a calm n un-rush meals, gone are the days when we can watch all good movies showing on screen etc. We do have complains.. But when we see our little one growing up day by day, everything is worth it. 

6 months! He hit his crawling milestone. Fast motor skills eh. We are just starting him on solids and hope he can pick up eating skills fast! A lot of my friends' baby had already started. Lol. Lazy mum. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Taking a little time day by day

I have no time to myself after work. Probably only on weekends. I used to complain how I miss those me times and couple times before I had Kai, right now those thoughts were gone. He has slowly become part of my life that I can't do without. I guess for me having those thoughts back then its when becoming a new mummy is stressful n overwhelming. I'm glad that all those thoughts were far away right now.

Frankly speaking, I love Kai more right now after I knew about his heart condition. Though not life threatening, no one can give us a guarantee. I treasure everyday, every smile I have with him.. not to forget, showering him with lots of love and concern. 

My heart n mind was near to a crumble when last Monday Kai fell ill. Flu infection may be common for all babies... But my baby is special. He may be more at a risk compared to others. I was doubly worried. Dear is away on biz trip and I had to be the decision maker. Like, when to bring him to the clinic, when to go a&e, whether to admit him for observation etc. seeing his heart rate doubled and hearing him scream n cry that very moment I put him down n nurses ushered me out for them to have mucus suction, my heart felt like thousands of needles. I'm sure my mother in law felt it too. 

I decided to bring him back home coz i want him to rest more at a familiar environment. My mil and I carried him to sleep that day coz he doesn't want to be put down. I guess it's the combination of having block nose and can't breathe well upon lying down, or he was traumatized by the mucus suction procedures and doesn't want to let us go. Even when I'm typing this post and recall those events, my heart aches and tears welled up.

I have to be strong for my little one, especially when dear is not around. I was so desperate that I tried all means to make him feel better.. Texting Suz for sending Kai reiki on top of mine, trying to suck out mucus using my mouth directly to his nose when the gadgets I have at home were useless. After all those crazy days, lack of sleep, anxiety, endless worries, I'm glad that Kai is now better.

A follow up on thurs at nuh said he was cleared of lungs fluid retention, and his heart is stable. We were so glad. Though his cough or block nose may linger for another week or so. Dear is coming home today and I'm so looking forward.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My cute little baby

My baby is 16 weeks old ytd! My cute little brave boy. This journey of him and mine haven't really been smooth sailing since birth. Like post natal blues I got linking to mother in law issues, jaundice level that doesn't went down etc, and now a hole in his heart. 

While the doctor say its not serious and doesn't pose a risk to him right now, he will need to have a surgery in 3-4 years time. 13mm for a 4 month old baby is quite significant. How big is a baby's heart now? Well it's easy to say not to worry coz my brave little boy has been growing up well.. But now with this diagnosis and the facts in front of me, who won't, as a parent, be worried for her cute little one?

Dear baby, please be well. Let's have faith. Little pea in heaven, please bless this little brother of yours. I love you all. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Short update

Baby was 14 weeks old last Tuesday! The pictures were taken in Swensen, just before rushing to board the plane to Penang. His virgin flight was terrible! Kept crying and unable to be soothed. :( lucky he was cranky only during take off and landing.

Here's a little fun collage that I made when I was feeling bored over at Penang. LOL. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8 weeks old

Time seems to fly. Baby is now 8 weeks old! I'm now waiting for him to learn to smile back. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Birth story - Part 2

After everything's done, I was being transferred to my ward. Dear upgraded me from normal single room to premier single room as there were no more rooms available. Dear mentioned that he wanted to reward me for "saving" money on the bursting of waterbag and without the use of epidural. In addition, he was feeling "heartpain" to see me turning from normal to red to blue to black face when pushing the little baby out.

I was feeling very giddy on the day of delivery. Totally zero energy and my blood pressure was very low. Not to mention there's heavy lochia too. No appetite whatsoever.

At around 7.50pm, baby was roomed in for latching. Supportive daddy stood there and learned with me.. especially on the massaging of the breasts to prepare for latching. He said that he could helped me with the massage next time. :) So sweet.

I rested 3 days 2 nights at TMC... and I wanna thank all my friends and family who had taken the time to come and visit me. Not to forget, thank you for the gifts and red packets too. Our little one will be growing up strong and healthily!

A new life awaits us. No more nurses to help. No more sending baby back to nursery when we couldn't handle the baby crying. We have to do it ourselves. Learning from the scratch.

First few nights were terrible. Latching, cup feeding, pumping, baby crying, diaper changing etc.. although all sounds normal and routine - it was tough for me to handle. Lack of sleep was the main problem. I got emotional every now and then and cry and sob every time I touch on breast feeding issues. Low supply, inverted nip, sore nip, engorgement etc, it is not an easy journey. I felt like giving up but on the other hand felt guilty to have the thoughts of giving up. Sigh. Though hubby has been very encouraging, I still couldn't help it but feeling down and blue.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Birth story - Part 1

Dear Pororo,

Now you have a name. Baby SK! You chose to come out on 12 Mar Tuesday afternoon. What a nice date~! Your birth weight was 3.025kg and measures 50cm in length and 33cm for head circumference. Very normal, average baby. :) Right now, you are week 2 day 5 old.

Let me back date on my birth story, since I have a little spare time now.. (Maybe after that I will need to take a nap coz I'm really sleepy)

Ok, here it goes:

I had my gynae checkup at week 37 and noticed that there’s a slight decrease in amniotic fluid. So the checkup for week 38 was brought forward 3 days from 14-Mar to 11-Mar (Thurs to Mon). During the week 38 checkup, baby was still safe, but we chose a date for induction 13-Mar (Wed). We didn't want the amniotic fluid to drop too much.

Dr Wong also did a cervix check and during that appointment she said that I was already 1cm dilated. Thus I may not need to be induce at all, but it all depends on baby. We returned home after that and then on and off, blood clots were seen throughout the day. I called Dr Wong and she said that it was normal to have blood clots after cervix check. But of course, if the blood clots kept on coming after a day, I will need to return to check again.

So, I felt very mild contractions in the middle of the night,. It was like menses cramp and thus I ignored  it and went to sleep. I woke up around 6.30am again and the mild contractions were still there. Dear went to pick up mother in law from golden mile while I waited for him to be back and then decide on whether we need to go to the hospital. Diligently, I timed the mild contractions. They were consistently at 8-10 mins apart.

I told Dear about it when he returned and just to play safe, we headed off to the clinic. We reached the clinic around 9.30am where the nurses did the CTG for me. Mild contractions were still 8 to 10 mins apart. Dear was a little frustrated.. he thought it was another false alarm...until Dr wong came in to check the "happy" me. Before putting her hand in to check my cervix, she told me to induce on that day since I kept having blood clots discharge. She don't want us to keep waiting and worrying like, forever. LOL.

Tadah~ checked. Cervix dilated 4cm. I was in labour! How come there's no strong contractions? Dr Wong then asked me to go for a good breakfast and then proceed to admit to the hospital. Pororo was coming. Everyone's reactions towards me was "wah! 4 cm dilated still not pain and walk around happily ah"

10.30am. I'm in the observatory ward. Changed gown and got bowels removed. I'm supposed to wait for the doctor to burst my water bag, to hasten the labour.. but she took too long to arrive and my water bag self-burst at 11.55am.

12.30pm.  Dr Wong arrived n checked, 5cm, fully effaced but contractions still 8 mins apart with bearable pain. I was transferred to the birth room. They were all hopeful and encouraging me not to take epidural.

2pm plus, the pain intensified, dear couldn't bear to see me suffer.. thus we asked for epidural. It was too late. I'm 6-7cm dilated. I was given laughing gas.

3pm, Doctor came to check again and I was 7-8 cm. Painful contractions at every few mins.. There was nothing much they could do. Not even pethidine injection. Laughing gas was my only friend. Seeing the distress us, Dr Wong decided to help by manually stretching my cervix to 8-9 cm. It was damn painful!!!

3.40pm, there was an urge for "passing motion". Nurse was there to help to push. I'm nearly out of breathe, I nearly gave up. But dear was there encouraging me. Dr Wong then came in shortly after I started pushing. I kept puking because I used all my strength and abdominal muscles to push. All my gastric juices were out. Yucks.

4pm plus, he was out. Dear was sobbing while being offered to cut the umbilical cord. So sweet. Priceless.

Doctor then proceed to deliver the placenta and the stitching was very painful. Piles were pushed out during the birth process too... swollen and painful.

That's it. He is out. We are a happy family.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Dear Pororo,

How are you right now? In the last visit to Dr Wong, you didn't put on much weight (only 100g), and mummy didn't put on any weight at all. Dr Wong noticed that mummy was a little low on amniotic fluid.. so she had to push forward the appointment date next week from Thursday to Monday (which is tmr). She assured me that everything is fine, just that she wanted to play safe and not taking any possible risk.. so if you are still not coming out by then, I have to select a date for induction. We tentatively selected Wednesday to be the D-day.

You also gave me a scare yesterday. I was extremely tired yesterday. I was feeling giddy when trying to shop around to exercise more. I couldn't continue the window shopping and thus returned home to rest. In the evening, I noticed that there's a streak of blood in my discharge, but there was no contraction pain... only painless Braxton hicks every 20-25mins. I was getting nervous and daddy went ahead to pack his hospital bag, just in case. I rested early so that if you were really coming in the middle of the night, I need to have energy and stamina.

I woke up in the middle of the night for toilet break, but nothing happened. I slept through after that to the morning. Turned out to be a false alarm.

Just now we went to have breakfast and when I returned home, there was another slight brown discharge. Hm.. I understand that you are trying to give me signs and symptoms.. but these symptoms are getting me nervous! Are you coming?


Saturday, March 2, 2013

90% ready

Tadah~~~ Baby cot is finally up and ready for Pororo :) Did this with hubby this afternoon. I'm so happy! We got everything we needed and washed all baby clothes. The 10% shortage is just the tiny bit left, like learning how to use the sterilizer as well as sterilizing the breast pumps and bottles.. :)
After we "set up" the room, we went to mum's house to find the kids and also to pass 2 tops for little Yize we got for him at Isetan. Little Yize was very happy and co-operative today, to take a nice picture with dear. :) I like this picture. It just shows how my dear is getting ready to be a father himself. So sweet!

Oh ya, Pororo only managed to put on 100g since the last visit. I was surprised. I thought he would hit the '3' mark in the last visit. Hm... now now, all the weight goes to me.. Boo hoo! Dr Wong said that baby is now very very low, and in the right position for a natural delivery. All we need is/are the sign(s)! So excited. Hospital bag packed. It may be next week, or next next! Oh my!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Angel

Dear little pea,

How are you getting on? Daddy reminded me of you when we talked about the handphone charm that's dangling on my iPhone the other night.

We got the charm from USS at around Jan/Feb last year. It was a little angel. It was chosen as if it was representing you. You made us happy - the joy and excitement for new parents-to-be. Sadly, those happy moments didnt last for long. You and I were not ready, and you chose to be a real angel. An angel that is always watching us, sending us blessings from somewhere.

Some time in June last year, I conceived again. I don't know it is the old you, or a new you. All I know is that once again, you brighten up my life. Each and every visit to our gynae was a milestone for both of us, as well as your daddy's. You are special to us.

Just a few more weeks or a few more days if you can't wait, we will be holding you in our hands. The excitement, the anticipation and the stress that comes along with it - I feel like my emotions are secretly going on a roller coaster ride. I am glad that throughout this journey, there's someone who never fails to stay by me. He's none other than your daddy, as well as my beloved hubby.

Mummy missed you, little pea. Pororo is now coming to either replace you, or he is just the grown up version of you.

We will be waiting.
Lotsa love,
Mummy and Daddy

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's week 36~!

Hey Pororo,

You are 36 weeks today! Just about 3 more weeks to seeing you! Dr Wong said that you are already engaged. Plus being co-operative, you are moving down and down towards the birth canal. Very nice. We are aiming for a natural delivery, probably around week 38 or 39. 加油!

In the last week 35's checkup, Dr Wong measured your weight... and you were 0.2-0.3kg heavier than average. I guess it's all due to the snacking and indulgence during the CNY period. Dr Wong advises me to cut down on those high carbo and high sugary food, just to make sure you are at the ideal weight of  around 3 to 3.2kg during birth. That will make pushing you out easier. :) I have to listen to her because I don't want the both of us to suffer when the time comes.

Right now you should be weighing around 2.7 to 2.8kg. Mummy's getting more soreness around the pelvic area. Tossing and turning during sleeping also causes discomfort to me. Insomnia has been visiting me the past few days, braxton hicks are becoming more frequent too. Not to mention the lower backaches every now and then. However, I have to bear through all these discomforts and pains, because I know in the end, it is all worth it.

Daddy's going on biz trip next week. So Dr Wong also asked me not to walk too much, so as to prevent any "accidents" when Daddy's not around. It's been a while since Daddy's going overseas... Mummy kind of "scared" and keeps 胡思乱想 of all the "what ifs". Haha. Luckily it's only for a few days...

Oh ya! I bought those rechargable batteries for us too. My breast pump needs to use AA batteries, when power sources are not available. So, I bought the limited edition Eneloop batteries.. I felt happy after seeing those batteries! Hope that the happiness can maintain throughout the breastfeeding journey as happiness is one of the factor that keeps pumping easy. :) LOL.

Ok, that's all for this post.
Mummy loves you!

Monday, February 11, 2013

2nd Day of Lunar New Year.

Dear Pororo,

Mummy had been eating a lot of snacks and goodies these few days.. a lot of empty calories and high sugary food! Mummy feel guilty every time I put one into my mouth.. but mummy is a glutton. Cannot resist! Hope that you are still doing good in my tummy. :)

So, let me start off by telling you what happened on the eve of CNY. All of us went to your 阿姨's house to have reunion lunch, as well as celebrating your 外公's lunar birthday. :) Mummy bought a tropicana mango cake and everyone loves it! Here's a photo of your 外公 and 表姐姐们。Too bad your two 表哥s were not in the picture. See, 外公 was so so happy! Sorry for the blur pic, 阿姨's photo taking skills were not very good. Haha.

We then hang around til the evening before heading back and had our dinner at MacDonalds. LOL. Mummy was very tired after reaching home.. so I only managed to stay til 12 midnight for welcoming the first day of CNY before heading to sleep.

On the first day of CNY, we had our breakfast and lunch at home and then met your 外婆 for dinner at clementi. We had Swensons and then finishing off with a Mac vanilla cone. :) Oh ya, I had my first my attempt of making 汤圆 too! Daddy said that he missed your granny's and so I tried making some from the leftover flour. Daddy say not too bad, just need to improve on the texture of the 汤圆. :)

Today, we went to your 舅舅's house as our relatives will be there for a gathering. It was a long day and though you are not out yet, you had your very first 红包 from my 大表哥! After everyone left, your daddy helped out in the cleaning and we returned home. Mummy just cooked a small meal (macaroni soup) and now typing out this post and watching TV.

Ok, I shall end this post with a picture of Mummy and Daddy, and the little you in my tummy. See, mummy's tummy is so round... same as my face. LOL.

 Happy new year to us~! Counting down around 4 more weeks to see you! Muacks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Dear Pororo,

Mummy is sick again. Mummy had fever over the weekends and block nose too. I took panadol and piriton to relieve the body aches caused by the fever. The feeling was terrible and i slept the whole day. I had to take medications to ease the symptoms. 2 doses of panadol and piriton were all I took. I don't want to affect you in anyway.

Mummy wanna get well soon. Daddy had read that prolong fever or flu during pregnancy may caused autism to unborn child. That's scary... But I believed so. Thus mummy is avoiding food that are heaty in nature, hoping to recover in the most natural way.

Mummy has been putting on weight! So do you. LOL. Up til now, mummy has put on 11kg, and you, weighing 1.7kg at 31 weeks. Everything is just nice and dr Wong foresees that you will be a 3kg baby. :) I will try to eat healthily from now onwards. Probably I will forgo the durian cravings. ( However mummy has weak control over cravings!) Mummy want to slim down as soon as possible in the most easy way. Lol. Daddy says that mummy is not fat, I know that, just that I want to be able to fit into my old jeans and dresses. Women are like this. Haha.

Ok last but not least, just a random picture of my belly button. It's not exactly popped, but it is quite shallow now and you can see the dark line forming, some pimples, lots of hairs and pigmentation inside the belly button. Looks like dirty belly button right? Lol.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 30

Hi Pororo~~~

Mummy is on sick leave for today and tomorrow. Mummy has got flu virus and kept having runny/block nose on and off. It's really terrible. I thought I can recover naturally by resting more, but it seems that this virus is stronger~~ thus I went to visit a doctor and got some medications. I just hope that you are not affected, and not "disturbed" by my constant sneezing..

Alrighty, mummy has got a checklist from Dr Wong on what to bring for admitting to the hospital when I'm delivering you. I should start packing from week 36. So, here's the checklist for easy reference and probably some blog readers out there:

  • 2 sets of pyjamas (front button tops will be more suitable for breast feeding)
  • Underwear and nursing bra
  • Cardigan, socks
  • Personal toiletries (or you can use the hospital's)
  • Small towel (for face / wiping breast before breastfeeding)
  • Bath towel (if you don't wish to use the hospital's)
  • Breast pump
  • Camera / charger
  • Mobile charger
The hospital mentioned that they will provide sanitary pads, but if you are used to your own brands, you may bring your own too. I guess I will bring some of my own.... Also, all baby items will be provided - so I don't need to pack for the little one. Good~! The above checklist are the items provided by TMC... so those who are giving birth elsewhere, the list may subject to changes.

Ok, now let's talk about the preparation of welcoming my little pororo. :) I downloaded a very detailed checklist for preparing for newborn.. and I can proudly say that I got 90% of the items covered. LOL. I had a lot of hand-me-down clothes and I had packed those that little Pororo can wear when he is out... so probably 2 weeks before the EDD, I will wash them and get them all ready.

That's all for me.

Mummy loves you~! Just 8-10 more weeks to go~! Whee!!!