Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 8, 2013

Birth story - Part 2

After everything's done, I was being transferred to my ward. Dear upgraded me from normal single room to premier single room as there were no more rooms available. Dear mentioned that he wanted to reward me for "saving" money on the bursting of waterbag and without the use of epidural. In addition, he was feeling "heartpain" to see me turning from normal to red to blue to black face when pushing the little baby out.

I was feeling very giddy on the day of delivery. Totally zero energy and my blood pressure was very low. Not to mention there's heavy lochia too. No appetite whatsoever.

At around 7.50pm, baby was roomed in for latching. Supportive daddy stood there and learned with me.. especially on the massaging of the breasts to prepare for latching. He said that he could helped me with the massage next time. :) So sweet.

I rested 3 days 2 nights at TMC... and I wanna thank all my friends and family who had taken the time to come and visit me. Not to forget, thank you for the gifts and red packets too. Our little one will be growing up strong and healthily!

A new life awaits us. No more nurses to help. No more sending baby back to nursery when we couldn't handle the baby crying. We have to do it ourselves. Learning from the scratch.

First few nights were terrible. Latching, cup feeding, pumping, baby crying, diaper changing etc.. although all sounds normal and routine - it was tough for me to handle. Lack of sleep was the main problem. I got emotional every now and then and cry and sob every time I touch on breast feeding issues. Low supply, inverted nip, sore nip, engorgement etc, it is not an easy journey. I felt like giving up but on the other hand felt guilty to have the thoughts of giving up. Sigh. Though hubby has been very encouraging, I still couldn't help it but feeling down and blue.